
What is a Transportation Master Plan?

10 July 2023

A Transportation Master Plan (TMP) is a long term strategy to guide the planning, expansion, and management of a multi-modal transportation system. It covers everything from roads and public transit to pedestrian pathways and cycling lanes. The plan also aims to improve mobility, safety, and sustainability while integrating with urban development and addressing future needs. It sets guidelines for infrastructure improvements, transit enhancements, and environmental considerations, with community input playing a vital role in its development.

A TMP is a strategic policy document that serves as a road map for short-range, medium-range, and long-range transportation infrastructure investments, as well as multi-modal transportation planning. The TMP guides how we:

  • Develop our roadways
  • Coordinate infrastructure improvements with land uses
  • Provide sustainable, multi-modal transportation facilities, and services to ensure enhanced mobility, accessibility and connectivity
  • Respond to future growth and demand on our transportation network

Overall, this new TMP will provide strategies and policies that align with the City of Kawartha Lakes growth and support its vision for the future transportation system.