
Public Information Centre 1

5 December 2023

You're invited to Public Information Centre 1:

Have your say on the Transportation Master Plan (TMP) by joining us at one of our upcoming Public Information Centre (PIC) 1 meetings. For the public's convenience, there will be two different opportunities to participate in PIC 1:

Meeting 1*:
Date: Tuesday, November 28 2023
Time: 6pm to 8pm

Presentation: 6pm (15 minutes) followed by a question and answer session, and open house drop-in
Location: Fenelon Falls Community Centre, Community Room, 27 Veterans Way, Fenelon Falls
*Remote broadcasting is not available at this venue. If you wish to attend PIC 1 virtually, your only option is to attend Meeting 2 below.

Meeting 2:
Date: Wednesday, November 29 2023
Time: 6pm to 8pm
Presentation: 6pm (15 minutes) followed by a question and answer session, and open house drop-in
Location: City Hall, Victoria Room, 26 Francis Street, Lindsay

Both meetings will begin with a 15-minute summary presentation at 6pm followed by a question and answer session. The remaining time will consist of an open house drop-in style session for review of display boards by the participants. At the PICs, you will be able to learn about our approach and our findings, ask us questions, and share your thoughts and opinions. Live-stream participants will also have the opportunity to ask questions after the presentation using the chat feature. Your participation in PICs is important to us. The same material will be presented at both meetings; please note that virtual attendance will only be available at Meeting 2.

If you are unable to attend the PIC in person, the display boards and a recording of the presentation will be available here at a later date.