
Thank you for your help shaping the Trails Master Plan Update!!

10 June 2022

On behalf of everyone involved in developing the Kawartha Lakes Trails Master Plan Update we would like to extend our most sincere thanks to everyone who participated and contributed to the second round of engagement. Since April, we have reviewed each and every comment. Excellent insights have been shared which will be critical in the identification of preferred design solutions as well as informing the development of an implementation strategy and action plan for trails throughout the City. To properly address major themes that emerged, we have prepared a series of slides. The intent of the presentation is not to present the final decisions but to demonstrate the way in which your input will be addressed and integrated (where appropriate) into the Trails Master Plan Update. Some of the comments remain out of scope of this assignment but will likely be captured in the Active Transportation Master Plan, while others will be addressed in the final stages of the plan’s development.

The slides are available in the Presentations, Backgrounds, and Reports tab, saved as Kawartha Lakes TMPU Round 2 Summary of Feedback Received.

What comes next…With the completion of our second round of engagement, we have now concluded the engagement program for the Trails Master Plan Update. No further public meetings are scheduled to occur as part of the finalization of this project. Individual stakeholders may be contacted on an as needed basis for a follow-up meeting which will be initiated by the City. Once the Trails Master Plan Update has been developed, it will be presented to Council where the public may attend for information and delegation.

Thank you so very much for your continued interest and involvement in this exciting project! The time and commitment you have shown in support of trails in Kawartha Lakes is valued by the project team.