
Register for the Public Info Session - Nov. 4, 2021

27 October 2021

Kawartha Lakes Trails Update - Public Information Centre #1

When: Nov 4, 2021 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.


The municipality of Kawartha Lakes, in partnership with the project’s consultant, CIMA+, will host the first public information session for the Trails Master Plan Update. The meeting will take place on November 4, 2021 at 7pm and will cover the work that has been done to date on the project, community input and ideas that have been gathered so far and how it has been used, thoughts on the potential updates to the trail vision and objectives, a review of existing and previously planned trail routes and potential trail design considerations.

When: Thursday November 4, 2021 from 7pm to 8:30pm

Where: This will be a virtual online meeting. Please see the registration link above.

Public participation: Please log into the online meeting by 6:55pm on Thursday November 4. During the meeting there will be opportunities to ask questions. If possible, please submit your question in advance (by Wednesday November 3) of the meeting to Following the meeting, a recording of the presentation as well as a copy of the slide deck and materials will be available on the City of Kawartha Lakes YouTube.

Project brief: In 2006, the City of Kawartha Lakes developed and adopted its first Trails Master Plan, including a City-wide review, investigation and identification of trail opportunities. While the municipality was successful in implementing many of the 2006 recommendations, it is time for a full update to address the changes in the last 15 years and to work towards the future.

The intent of updating the plan is to:

  • Review the existing network and the previously proposed trails connections to determine which route have been implemented, where improvements are needed and if there are any new opportunities for trail routes;
  • Review best and comparable practices from other municipalities and lessons learned from staff and stakeholders to update policies, processes and practices to support trail planning, design and development; and,
  • develop a more detailed and informative implementation strategy and education/outreach tactics to support the roll-out of the plan and encourage increased active recreation and participation.

The full update is expected to complete by Spring 2022. For more details about the project and to get involved, please visit If you have any questions or concerns regarding the public meeting, please reach out to the project team.