
Public Information Session #2 Presentation Package Now Available

13 April 2022

We are underway with Round 2 Engagement for the Kawartha Lakes Trails Master Plan Update!

The Public Information Session #2 presentation package is available for your review. The package consists of the following items:

  1. Presentation slide deck, available under the Project Background and Reports tab
  2. Set of maps available for review and comment at the following link:

As you review the presentation slide deck, we invite you to consider the following questions to guide your feedback. You can provide your feedback to the Project Team directly at

Each set of questions have been grouped by sections of the presentation and the slide numbers have been noted for your reference.

As you go through the Proposed Approach to the Trails Master Plan Update on slides 17 to 24, please consider:

  1. Are these the right mix of tactics?
  2. What are your views on taking a north, central and south approach with specific destinations and focus areas for improvement?

As you go through the Proposed Improvements: Key Tactics on slides 26 to 33, please consider:

  1. Do they address the needs, expectations and different facets of trail improvements across Kawartha?

As you go through the Proposed Trail Design Standards and Guidelines on slides 37 to 62, please consider:

  1. Do the proposed trail design standards and guidelines balance different user needs and expectations across Kawartha?
  2. Do the core components reduce conflicts and enforcement issues?
  3. If not, how else would you want these to be addressed?
  4. What are your views on the trails ands sign classifications?
  5. Did we capture the differences and are these manageable?
  6. How do you see an education strategy working with the trails and sign classifications? And any education strategy examples to share?

As you go through the Proposed Tactics and Projects Across the Focus Areas and Network on slides 65 to 92, please consider:

  1. Are your interests and concerns sufficiently addressed by the proposed improvements in the focus areas? Where and where not?
  2. Is the right approach being taken for each focus area? What else would you wish to see? E.g., more partnerships, more maintenance, a different tactic altogether?
  3. Any specific questions about East Cameron Lake and Bethany crossings?
  4. Which proposed improvements are highest, moderate and lowest priority? Could you rank them into short, medium and long-term priorities?

As you go through the Proposed Criteria to Prioritize and Phase Improvements on slides 95 to 96, please consider:

  1. Are these the right questions to prioritize and phase trail improvements?
  2. Which projects should have the greatest priority and be implemented first?
  3. Which projects are longer-term?

A video recording of the Public Information Session held on April 13, 2022 will also be made available in the coming days.