
Project Update May 2023

19 May 2023

On April 6, 2023 the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing released a draft new Provincial Planning Statement which is proposed to combine and replace the existing Provincial Policy Statement (PPS, 2020) and Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (GPGGH, 2019), being the two land use policy documents that govern the City’s growth management work necessary for the municipal comprehensive review program. The draft new Provincial Planning Statement is available on the Environmental Registry of Ontario for review and comment until June 5, 2023 under ERO number 019-6813.

Key changes include:

  • Additional growth from Ministerial Zoning Orders must be incorporated into official plans and infrastructure plans
  • Removal of municipal comprehensive review requirements
  • Removal of density, intensification targets, and the built boundary in settlement areas
  • Allowing for the conversion of employment areas to other uses

In light of these proposed Provincial policy changes work on the GMS is temporarily paused while Planning staff assess the changes and their impacts to the GMS. Once the Minister issues a Decision concerning the new Provincial Planning Statement, staff will complete the impact assessment and return to Council with an update, and then reactivate the GMS and companion infrastructure master plans for servicing and transportation. Growth management remains central to sustainable long-term planning for the City of Kawartha Lakes.