
How will the GMS inform the City’s Official Plan and MCR process?

12 April 2022

The GMS is an important component of the MCR process and it will culminate with an update to the City’s Official Plan. Once the amount of intensification and amount of greenfield development land is quantified, then the proposed future settlement boundaries can be characterized by the GMS. At this point, the City has to evaluate those proposed future settlement boundaries by applying the policies in section 2.2.8 of the Growth Plan. As part of this evaluation, the infrastructure needed to support growth will be planned through future water/wastewater and transportation master planning. The City will also have to update its Official Plan so that the growth targets for 2051 (population, housing, employment, intensification, affordable housing) are reflected in the Plan. The update to the Official Plan will also modify the maps to reflect the revised settlement area boundaries that will be proposed through the GMS.