
2023 Year-end Update

23 December 2023

Following a brief pause to assess the impacts of proposed Provincial policy changes and the Minister’s Zoning Orders, the Growth Management Strategy (GMS) has been reactivated.

The Task Force will reconvene early in the new year to reset its work plan. The GMS will provide direction to related City-wide growth initiatives including the Water and Wastewater Servicing and Capacity Master Plan and Transportation Master Plan projects. Details for these initiatives are on our Major Projects webpage and on Jump In.

The GMS is part of an integrated planning approach to support the new Kawartha Lakes Municipal Housing Pledge that sets out the City’s existing, planned and proposed strategies, tools and actions to accelerate housing development and meet our housing target of 6500 units by 2031.

View the status update memo, located under project resources on the right side of the project's home page. This memo provides a summary of the project and next steps towards project completion in the summer of 2024.