
Committee of the Whole - September 12, 2023

29 September 2023

Clean and Clear By-Law

The City’s Solicitor presented the Report concerning the Yard Clean and Clear By-law 2014-026. The proposed amendments to the By-law include allowing native plants (weeds) and grass exceeding 8 inches in height to encourage more pollinator-friendly projects within urban areas within the municipality. Plant diversity and naturalization will also allow for increased carbon and rainwater capture, making urban areas more resilient to climate change. The extended permissions are based on the 2019 Healthy Environment Plan, Lake Management Plans and the City’s designation as a Bee City.

This by-law is to be read in conjunction with the Weed Control Act, which prohibits noxious weeds. The City’s Municipal Law Enforcement Division will continue to respond to complaints under the Weed Control Act.

Public consultation on Jump In Kawartha Lakes showed that of 450 respondents, 85 percent were in favour of allowing grass to grow longer than eight inches in urban residential and commercial areas.

Other amendments include lessening the timelines for a property owner to address infractions, such as garbage on a lawn, from 14 days to three days. Within Lindsay, property owners must continue to maintain boulevards adjacent to their properties to ensure safety with respect to road and sidewalk use.

Council will discuss the item at the September 26 Regular Council meeting. Subscribe to receive notification of agendas.

View the Proposed Amendments to Yard Clean and Clear By-Law to Permit Long Grass and Native Plant in Urban Areas report.

The September 12 Committee of the Whole Meeting can be viewed in full on the City’s YouTube channel.