Council Adopts Proposed By-Law amendment to permit long grasses and Native plants in urban areas
On July 23, 2024, Council adopted the proposed By-Law amendment to the City’s Yard Clean and Clear By-law 2014-026 to permit long grasses and Native plants in urban areas as outlined in Report LGL2024-004.
The municipality currently permits native plants (sometimes referred to as “weeds”) and grass exceeding eight inches in height in certain zoned areas. This is set out in the municipality’s Yard Clean and Clear By-law 2014-026, which regulates vacant lots as well as yards.
Previously, the municipality did not permit native plants and grass exceeding 8 inches in height in urban residential or commercial areas that are not within 30 metres of a waterfront or wetland area. The amendment to By-Law 2014-026 will now include provisions for long grasses and non-noxious weeds to be permitted to grow on private property in urban areas in the City of Kawartha Lakes.
Municipal Law Enforcement staff will continue to accept and review concerns regarding noxious weeds and the enforcement of the Weeds Control Act as outlined in the Report.
This decision falls in alignment with the municipality’s strategic priority of a Healthy Environment and is in support of the City’s Council-adopted Healthy Environment Plan 2019.
Building Pollinator Habitats
The community’s vision for Kawartha Lakes is ‘Thriving and growing communities within a healthy and natural environment.’ To support this vision, the municipality adopted a Healthy Environment Plan in 2019.
The City was officially recognized as a Bee City by Bee City Canada in July 2017. The City of Kawartha Lakes became the 7th Bee City in Canada, and the 3rd in Ontario, following Toronto and Stratford. Pollinator-friendly projects within the City are listed on our website.
To encourage climate resilience by building pollinator habitats, the following by-law amendments will be proposed to Council.
Current by-law
- Allowed: Plants and grass exceeding eight inches in height in open spaces, environmental protection areas, agricultural and rural areas, and areas within 30 metres of a waterfront, wetland, water body or watercourse.
- Not Allowed: Plants and grass exceeding eight inches in height in urban residential or commercial areas that are not within 30 metres of a waterfront or wetland area.
- Some plants often referred to as weeds include dandelion and clover.
Proposed amendment
- Change the definition of “Debris”, by removing “weeds and grass exceeding eight inches in height” from the definition. This allows and encourages naturalized gardens in urban residential, commercial and industrial areas.
- By-law to remain unchanged for open spaces, environmental protection areas, agricultural and rural areas, and areas within 30 metres of a waterfront, wetland, water body or watercourse.
- “Debris” will still include items such as litter and waste. This is not meant to be an opportunity for residents to neglect the upkeep of their lawns.
- Noxious weeds continue to be prohibited by the Weed Control Act.
- Property owners in Lindsay will still be required to maintain the height of grassed boulevards adjacent to their properties, pursuant to the Lindsay Boulevard By-law.
Why the change?
Naturalized gardens allow for:
- more effective pollination
- ecosystem biodiversity creates seeds and fruits that are part of an important food source for birds and ground animals.
- slower erosion and overland water run off that enters into municipal drains and catch basins.
- Less use of pesticides, herbicides and fuel to maintain properties.