The municipality does not currently regulate or restrict the destruction of trees on privately-owned property.

What changes are being proposed?

Private property owners may require a permit to remove mature trees if their property is:

  • located 30 meters (98.4 ft) from shoreline and less than 0.5 hectares (1.2 acres) in size; or
  • greater than 0.5 hectares (1.2 acres) in size.

Cutting down mature, healthy, non-hazardous trees in Environmental Protection areas will not be allowed. Visit the Tree Preservation By-law map to find out if your property will be affected by this change.

Fees depend on your property size. These fees were determined based on the replacement cost of a mature sapling and will go to fund municipal initiatives in preservation and enhancement of tree and hedgerow cover in the municipality.

  • $425 or replace with one mature sapling, if property is less than 0.5 hectares (1.2 acres) in size.
  • $1700 or replace with four mature saplings, if property is more than 0.5 hectares (1.2 acres) in size.
  • Fee exemptions for unhealthy trees, low income residents, and affordable housing developments.

Exemptions to this by-law include:

  • Specific Operations (agriculture, aggregates, cemetery, golf clubs, tree nurseries, forestry)
  • Trees that pose a hazard to structures
  • Cutting down buckthorn (non-native invasive species)
  • Cutting related to septic installation or repair within 30 metres of a shoreline
  • Trees that are used as wood fuel to heat your own home.

Why is this change being proposed?

This By-law change aligns with the municipality's strategic priority of a Healthy Environment and is in support of the Council-adopted Healthy Environment Plan 2019 and Lake Management Plans.

Terms Defined

Mature Trees: 5 inches (12cm) in diameter. You can determine the diameter of a tree by measuring the circumference at 4.5 feet (1.37 meters) from the ground and dividing that number by 3.14.

Unhealthy tree:

Unhealthy tree: determined by a professional to be damaged, infected by something contagious to other trees, and/or will die.

Hazardous Tree: damaged or destroyed trees that should be removed in the interests of public safety, health and general welfare following any man-made or natural disasters, storms, high winds, floods, fires, snowfall, freezes or as a result of insects, disease or wildlife

Environmental protection areas: zoning area designated in the municipality's official plan. Find out your property's zoning by visiting our Property and Planning map.

Low income - “high need households” as defined under Ontario Regulation 370/11 to the Housing Services Act, 2011, upon receipt of sufficient proof of income. High need households and household income limits: Bachelor Unit $16,500; One bedroom unit $20,400; Two bedroom unit $24,300; Three bedroom unit $27,000; Four bedroom or more unit $25,700.

How to Jump In

1. Fill out the survey before December 22, 2023. Council will receive your feedback and consider it to make the decision on the future By-law.

2. Feedback on the proposed By-law can be submitted at any time by emailing

3. Follow this project to receive updates as it moves forward.



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