
Virtual City-wide Public Open House

22 March 2021

Kawartha Lakes Planning Division would like to invite all interested parties to register and attend a Virtual Public Open House to provide an update on the Rural Zoning By-law Review.

What is the Purpose of this Meeting?
The purpose of the Virtual Public Open House is to provide an update on the status of the Rural Zoning By-law Review Project, and to seek input on key matters being addressed through the project. The input received at this meeting will inform the ongoing development of the Draft Rural Zoning By-law. The team will present the “Draft Assessment of Key Issues and Methodology Report,” which is available for review on the City’s website (the link is included below). For clarity, the Draft Rural Zoning By-law will be not available for this meeting but is anticipated to be made available for public review by June 2021. The meeting will include a presentation and a question and answer discussion period.

Why is the City reviewing and updating the zoning in the Rural Areas?
Since amalgamation in 2001, Kawartha Lakes has been using the original 18 Zoning By-laws to address land development across the municipality. It is also a requirement to implement the policies of the City’s Official Plan which was approved in 2012. This Zoning By-law Review will take place in two phases: the first will address the 13 Rural Zoning By-laws and the future phase will review the five Urban Zoning By-laws and the Oak Ridges Moraine Zoning By-law.

The rural area is generally comprised of the lands outside of the Urban Settlement Areas of Lindsay, Bobcaygeon, Fenelon Falls, Omemee, and Woodville, as well as lands outside of the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan. The rural area includes those lands shaded in red on the map shown on the next page.

When is the Virtual Public Open House, and how can I register to attend?

The Virtual Public Open House will be held:

April 6, 2021 from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm

Due to the virtual format, pre-registration is required to attend the open house. Register here..

You can join the Virtual Public Open House via a computer or via telephone. The presentation will start at approximately 6:05 pm. The link and phone-in number will be emailed to you once you register. Please email or call Jonathan Derworiz, Planner II at the City of Kawartha Lakes, at or 705-324-9411 for more information or if you have any accessibility needs.

If I am unable to attend the Virtual Public Open House, how can I get involved?
If you are unable to join the Virtual Public Open House, please stay tuned to this webpage. A copy of the presentation and a video recording of the Virtual Public Open House will be posted by April 13, 2021. All materials related to this project will be posted on this webpage throughout the project.