
Next Steps Following the April 10, 2024, Planning Advisory Committee Meeting

16 April 2024

On April 10, 2024, the Planning Advisory Committee (PAC) held a public meeting to hear comments on the proposed Rural Zoning By-Law. Several members of the public gave deputations to the PAC and consultants Bobby Gauthier, Principal and Jonathan Derworiz, Senior Planner, WSP Canada Inc.

The consultants and PAC thanked the public and agencies who have participated in the process through six formal public meetings, workshops, written correspondence and on our Jump In engagement platform.

Requests to amend zoning for specific properties are generally not being considered through this project. Should someone have an existing application with the City to rezone land, it should be evaluated and reviewed through its own process and separate from the Rural Zoning By-Law project. Evaluating individual zoning by-law amendment applications is not within the scope of this project.

All comments brought forward are being considered and any adjustments made to the By-law will be brought forward to Council for adoption on May 21, 2024.

Why does the Rural Zoning Consolidated By-Law exist?

There are 14 existing Rural Zoning By-Laws that have remained in effect since the 2001 amalgamation of the City of Kawartha Lakes. Some of these By-laws date as far back as the 1970s and do not align with current City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan (CKLOP) policy. This has resulted in inconsistencies and inefficiencies when it comes to planning, which affects residents, staff, developers and landowners. The new Rural Zoning By-Law will streamline and modernize zoning regulations and provides greater harmony across the rural area.

What is the purpose and effect of the new consolidated By-law?

The 14 existing Rural Zoning By-Laws and all amendments would be repealed and replaced. The proposed Rural Zoning By-Law is a significant advancement in harmonizing the municipality’s land use planning framework.

Importantly, staff expect this will lead to process improvements. The proposed Rural Zoning By-Law will allow for quicker responses to general inquiries, simplified interpretation of provisions and greater certainty of development requirements.

What areas are affected?

Kawartha Lakes’ “rural area” includes land outside of the Urban Settlement Areas of Bobcaygeon, Fenelon Falls, Lindsay and Omemee. The proposed By-law excludes Urban Zoning By-Laws and the Oak Ridges Moraine By-Law.

How was the project carried out?

This project has been carried out over six years, by staff, the project team and the Task Force. For more information on the three major phases and consultations/engagements hosted, please review the Proposed Rural Zoning By-law Planning Advisory Committee Report.