What's Happening?

We're looking to potentially redevelop Pioneer Park in Lindsay. On this page you'll find information about the project, as well as the conceptual design, project timelines, and a forum where you can offer your feedback on the designs.

The project is currently in the information gathering and design phase. The proposed project will be pending Council approval. If approved, the projects would commence in 2025.

The conceptual design for the park redevelopment was shared with the public at a Public Information Session on February 28. The design concept is available for viewing in the Documents Library on this page. The community is encouraged to check out the conceptual design and submit questions, comments or feedback to the Parks and Recreation division. Feedback will be accepted until March 28, 2024.

Pioneer Park is located at 238 Lindsay Street North in Lindsay, for a visual reference, check out the Pioneer Park Location map in the Document Library (underneath the conceptual design).

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