Welcome to the Kawartha Lakes Parks and Recreation Strategic Plan Community Consultation Hub!

Kawartha Lakes is preparing a Parks and Recreation Strategic Plan that will assist Council and staff in managing the direction of parks and recreation assets and services through 2040. The Plan will define community needs and interests; identify where parks and facilities should be located, when they will be needed, and how they will be delivered and funded. The firms thinc design, Mehak Kelly & Associates, TCI Management Consultants, and RFA Planning Consultants have been engaged to conduct the study, an essential part of which is community consultation.

Your input is a critical part of this process!

The municipality wants to develop a Plan that will best serve the community now and into the future. We want to hear from YOU!

Use one of the consultation tools on this page to share your ideas, discuss, and provide feedback.

Have questions regarding the project? Submit a question under the Q & A Forum below!

What do you think about recreation opportunities in Kawartha Lakes?

When you think of recreation in Kawartha Lakes, what comes to mind? How do you think the municiplaity should support recreation for residents? Why is recreation important? Are there specific parks or recreation-related needs and interests that you think should be addressed? Instructions: Include a brief explanation, and feel free to include an image with your idea. You can also comment and like others’ ideas!

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