
Fenelon Falls Second Crossing project update presented to Council

4 November 2020

Kawartha Lakes – At the November 3 Committee of the Whole meeting, Dillion Consulting Ltd. provided an update to Council on the Fenelon Falls Second Crossing capital project. The purpose of the presentation was to showcase the current work completed on the project and collect feedback from Council so that a finalized report on recommended solutions can be brought forward for approval.

The project is currently in the Environmental Assessment phase, which includes an evaluation of the existing area, such as circumstances related to transportation, the waterway and surrounding landscapes, as well as technical and community studies conducted to identify optimal solutions to address the needs of the project.

The purpose of the Fenelon Falls Second Crossing is to address the traffic concerns surrounding the existing bridge located on Colborne Street in Fenelon Falls. Roughly 12,000 vehicles travel through Fenelon Falls in the summer months and often, long vehicle delays occur during peak traffic hours along the bridge and at the intersection of Helen Street and Lindsay Street.

During the presentation, Dillon provided data related to traffic conditions and congestion issues and findings from the multiple stakeholder and public meetings held over the course of the past year. They also presented current possible solutions and the impacts each option would have should Council decide to move forward.

Two preferred solutions were presented to Council:

1) Traffic improvements can be made to Helen Street, Lindsay Street and Elliot Street to address the current delays experienced, such as an addition of a new traffic light and restrictions on turning options in and out of the commercial plaza located on the Northeast corner.

2) Build a bypass bridge connecting Concession 3 across the Burnt River to relieve traffic passing through Fenelon Falls.

After a discussion regarding the project, Council requested an additional public meeting be scheduled to inform seasonal and full time residents within the impacted areas of the study findings and recommendations. A finalized report is expected to be brought forward to Council by the end of June or early July 2021.

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