
Fenelon Falls Second Crossing - Presentation to Committee of the Whole, Nov 2, 2021

28 October 2021

The Fenelon Falls Second Crossing Project team with Dillon Consulting will be making a presentation to Council at the the Committee of the Whole meeting on Tuesday November 2, 2021. The purpose of the meeting is to provide an overview of the study report, which documents the work and consultation completed to date, including recommendations.

Presentation materials, as well as the study report, can be viewed on the published agenda for November 2. The Committee of the Whole meeting begins at 10am and will be livestreamed on YouTube.

Project information

In 2019, the municipality, through their consultant Dillon Consulting Limited, began undertaking a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) to determine whether there is need for a second bridge crossing in Fenelon Falls. The project involves an assessment of the current issues in Fenelon Falls, the identification of alternative solutions to the issue, technical studies including transportation, structural, socio-economic and environmental studies, and public, stakeholder, agency and Indigenous community consultation.