
Cultural Centre(s) Feasibility Study: Update

23 February 2022

Thank you to everyone who participated in the survey about the Feasibility of a Cultural Centre(s) in the City of Kawartha Lakes. We are please to report we received more than 200 responses from members of the public.

At this stage, we have interviewed leaders in the cultural sector and, earlier this month, held a successful virtual roundtable with over 20 representatives from the City’s arts and culture sector to provide their insights on a potential Cultural Centre or Centre(s).

Nordicity is currently synthesizing the results of the survey, roundtable consultations and other research into an Interim Presentation for The Advisory Committee and Task Force. Following this presentation, Giaimo Architects and Nordicity will focus on potential facility costs, operational budget and a location analysis - including site visits.

We will continue to share updates on the progress of the Feasibility Study through the City of Kawartha Lakes’ Jump In platform as the project advances.

Thanks again to each of you for taking the time to participate.