
Cultural Centre Feasibility Study - Final Report

2 June 2022

We're pleased to share the final report for The Feasibility Study for a Cultural Centre in the City of Kawartha Lakes.

Thank you to all the community members, organizations and stakeholders for their participation and insights throughout this project.

The final report includes the study's key findings, recommendations to be presented to The Committee of the Whole on June 7th.

Link to full report via meeting agenda.

The Study found that:

  • Kawartha Lakes requires a new cultural centre to support a range community and culture sector space and programming needs and the City of Kawartha Lakes requires a new archives and curatorial facility.
  • There is an opportunity for a new facility to be built that combines both functions and allows for the creation of transformational cultural infrastructure – a cultural centre or hub.
  • The Design, construction, size and features of the facility should follow study recommendations
  • No specific site was identified as feasible at this time, however, the location analysis provides insights into key factors that should be further considered to identify a site in the future.

City of Kawartha Lakes staff will provide additional updates as appropriate.