The Archaeological Management Plan is being created to help address provincially-mandated requirements for the conservation of archaeological sites and resources.
The Kawartha Lakes AMP project is currently collecting data and conducting initial outreach to Indigenous communities and archaeological stakeholders. We also welcome questions or comments about the AMP through this platform. Please subscribe or follow this page for updates as the project progresses.
AMP Feed
City of Kawartha Lakes Commences Archaeological Management Plan
March 2024
The City of Kawartha Lakes is beginning the development of an Archaeological Management Plan (AMP) for the municipality. An AMP is a planning tool that identified areas of archaeological potential using known archaeological site locations, changes in landforms and waterways over time and takes into consideration traditional land use patterns and areas of historic settlement. The AMP is being created to help address provincially-mandated requirements for the conservation of archaeological sites and resources in communities across the province. The AMP has two primary outcomes: a GIS-based archaeological potential model and strategic policy and planning direction for the use of the model and the protection of archaeological resources in the City. The development of the AMP will take approximately one year and is anticipated to be complete in early 2025.
TMHC Inc. (TMHC) has been hired by the City to complete the AMP. TMHC has extensive experience in the cultural heritage resource management field with particular strength related to archaeology and Indigenous engagement. TMHC has recently completed the AMP for Bruce County and has experience in working with rural municipalities with larger towns and villages such as Kawartha Lakes. The City and TMHC welcome questions or comments about the AMP through this platform. Please subscribe or follow this page for updates as the project progresses.
When complete, the Archaeological Master Plan will be an important aspect of the City’s cultural resource management strategy to ensure the protection, preservation and sensitive treatment of archaeological sites throughout the City as part of the development and capital project processes.
Questions and Comments
Do you have questions or comments about the Archaeological Management Plan?
Frequently Asked Questions
The following questions are often asked during the preparation of an archaeological management plan or AMP. These questions and answers are provided here to help inform community members interested in the development of the Kawartha Lakes AMP.
What is an Archaeological Management Plan?
Answer: An Archaeological Management Plan (AMP), previously referred to as an Archaeological Master Plan, is a municipal planning tool to help identify, conserve, and manage archaeological resources located within a municipality. AMPs typically include an archaeological potential model and instructions for how to implement and maintain this planning tool within existing municipal policy frameworks, such as official plans.
Why develop an Archaeological Management Plan?
Answer: Municipalities in Ontario are partly responsible for conserving archaeological resources within their jurisdiction under Section 2.6 of the Provincial Policy Statement. When planners receive certain development applications, they must decide if archaeological resources such as Indigenous or historic archaeological sites, might be impacted and require an archaeological assessment. An AMP helps planners make these decisions based on archaeological potential, using the locations of existing sites to inform where new sites might be found. Developing an AMP is also an opportunity for a municipality to establish clear policies such as what types of applications trigger archaeological assessments or when and how Indigenous communities are engaged.
What is an archaeological assessment?
Answer: An archaeological assessment is a study conducted by a qualified archaeologist to determine if archaeological resources, such as sites or artifacts, are or may be present in a particular area. Assessments are usually triggered if there is potential for these archaeological resources to be disturbed by a development activity. Qualified archaeologists are licensed by the Province of Ontario and any information produced during the assessment is reviewed and stored by the Ministry of Citizenship and Multiculturalism. These assessments can take multiple forms, from background research studies to large site excavations. The type of assessment is determined by the size or significance of any archaeological sites, if any are present, as well as the extent of proposed impacts.
Who develops an Archaeological Management Plan?
Answer: Once a municipality decides to develop an AMP, they partner with an archaeological or planning consultant and together prepare the archaeological potential model and implementation pieces of the planning tool. The development of an AMP also involves extensive engagement with local organizations and Indigenous communities. Experts on local archaeology and history are also contacted for information that could inform the potential model. When the AMP is ready, it is presented to municipal council who make the ultimate decision about implementing the plan. Once the AMP is in place, it should be maintained by the municipality.