aerial of coboconk with 2025 Budget

Budget Essentials

The municipal budget can be intricate, but we're here to make it clear and accessible. The Budget Committee is eager to know which areas of the budget you'd like to explore further. Share your thoughts with us, and we'll provide the information you’re interested in!

Quick Poll

Which topic do you want to learn about the most?
A diagram of the Budget Process in 2025. 6 steps are shown: 1. Budget Preparation 2. Draft Budget presented to Mayo 3. Public input  4. Council deliberation  5. Final Budget  6. Final Budget published

Key Dates

October 18, 2024

Budget Committee submits proposed Budget to Mayor

Visit to view the Proposed Budget.

Wednesday 30 October 2024

Proposed Budget posted to website

Tuesday 12 November 2024 7:00 am

Public Budget Meeting

Meeting to provide information/education on the proposed budget. Members of the public may make a delegation or submit correspondence on the budget.

Tuesday 26 November 2024

Presentation of the Mayor's Budget to Council

Council will deliberate and adopt. Continued on November 27/28 if necessary.

December 20, 2024

Budget and Business Plan posted on website

Visit to see final document.

For the full budget schedule, visit our municipal website.